What does a person have to do to become a writer for a tv show....i.e. a comedy?!


What does a person have to do to become a writer for a tv show....i.e. a comedy?


First, decide what show you want to write for. Then, forget that one and write an episode of a similar show. Writers/producers are very picky, and they tend to view spec scripts for their shows as coming from the enemy. You are kind of going for their job, after all. Make sure the show you pick is still on the air. Don't write a canceled show.

Do not send your spec script of another show to the show you want to write for. Chances are, the producers won't even open it. This saves the producer from getting sued, in case a similar episode is already being produced. Even if it's a script for another show, you don't want to risk it. Send your script to an agent who specializes in TV scripts. This is where the Hollywood Directory comes in handy. It's expensive, like $50, but probably worth it in the long run. Your agent will then get your script to the right people. Producers are more willing to look at a script from an agent because there's less of a chance of them getting sued.

The producers of the show you want to write for will then read your script of a similar show. If they like your script, they may call you in for a meeting. You will pitch your idea for an episode of their show, or they may give you the idea they want you to write. You will write and submit a first draft. They will call you in for another meeting. They may give you notes for a second draft, or they may just say so long, pay you for what you've done, and send you on your way. Union rules state that shows must do at least two freelance written episodes a season.

Do this for enough shows, get enough episodes produced, you may even be asked to become a staff writer.

Good luck!

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