Who would win ?!

Question: who would win in a fight between aunt bessie & granny smith. my money is on granny smith.

and would the winner have any chance against the wife with the rolling pin on the old john smiths ads.

Answers: who would win in a fight between aunt bessie & granny smith. my money is on granny smith.

and would the winner have any chance against the wife with the rolling pin on the old john smiths ads.

well that granny smith is such a rotten apple,so i agree with you

i have no idea who those people are so i will say which ever golden girl is still alive

Granny Smith would win. And the winner would probably not have a chance against the lady with the rolling pin. Actually, NOBODY has a chance against a lady with a rolling pin, period.

aunt bessie, she would batter granny smith lol

tricky but id say aunt bessie as she has more styles the yorkshire.the mash.frozen stuffing ball.granny smith has round and green.pah!

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