Anybody remember a tv series called the greatest american hero?!

Question: and whats the name of the intro song

Answers: and whats the name of the intro song

Believe it or Not by Mike Post & Stephen Geyer...My husband has all the episodes on dvd. I am a big William Katt fan and loved him in the movie House.

i do, the guy was a blonde curley haired guy....and i can hear the song in my head, but i cant r emember t he name..something about ...walking on air, believe it or not....blah blah i have never felt so free.....believe it or not its just me...

Believe It Or Not. I never missed that program.

Believe it or not I'm walking on air

OMG! husband and i were talking about that show a few weeks ago...loved that show when i was a kid...

the song is ~believe it or not by mike post & stephen geyer

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought this could feel so realllllllllll. Flying away....OMG this is so retro. I use to love it. How about Buck Rogers???

Yes loved it and the song is Believe it or Not.

It was my sister's favorite show for a time. My husband and I love the episode of Seinfeld when George sings the theme song from the Greatest American Hero on his answering machine, but changes the words..."Believe it or not, George isn't at home, please leave your message at the beep....where can I be? Believe it or not I'm not home."

If i'm not mistaken, it was a tv series sometime in the 80's. I was a fan of that show. If I remember it right, the intro song goes like this: "Look at what happened to me.. I can't believe it myself.. suddenly i'm on top of the world.. it could've been somebody else.. believe it or not I'm walking on air, i never thought I could feel so free..! (hope I was of help).

This was a three-season long series created by Stephen J. Cannell Productions(along w/ Patrick Hasburgh Entertaimnent) and ABC Television, starring William Katt as L.A.-area high-school teacher ralph Hinkley, and veteran actor Robert Culp as his friend in the LAPD/next-door-neighbor...

And the theme song "Believe It or Not" was writtem by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer, and sung by one-hit-wonder Joey Scarbury(it actually made the Billboard Top 40 charts in '81 and '82!)...


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