X factor does song choice matter ?!

Question: i think louis and danni are out of touch , wtf is he thinking about westlife singing micheal baubles song sorry if the spelling is wrong whatever lol

Answers: i think louis and danni are out of touch , wtf is he thinking about westlife singing micheal baubles song sorry if the spelling is wrong whatever lol

Oh yeah I think song choice matters. Dannii hasn't got a hope in hell of anyone from her group winning. Louis is onto a good thing with the oldies!!!

To grab an audience's attention you either have to have an amazing voice and some personal attractiveness and also choosing a song that is familiar and often upbeat can have have an impact.

they could try singing underwater that might sound better.

After this week's show -yes - what difficult and awful songs they had to sing for their first live performances - shame

I think it does. And Louis with all his wisdom should know that.
As to Danni...I don't know how she ticks.

I think it does but I also think the judges are quick to blame it on a song as well instead admitting they aren't very good.

Remember that girl that said she used to be a JOCKEY? lol... I don't think it mattered what song she sang...

But I think some songs don't suit some people... an Sharon and Louis are terrible at picking songs

dR bad
still can't forget that Jockey

I think song very much matters Bex. Even if they have a really good voice a bad song can absolutely murder it. At least last night's bad song choices have a chance to get it right next week as the singers got through. xx

I think song choice does matter Kimberly deseved better than being made to look like Kelly Osborne on a drunk night out and wrong song for her voice and wtf was with the belt from hell???
They had weeks to practice and sorry it was a huge let down!

YES!!!!! You just have to look at last nights show to see why!

Oh god yes, just look at the hash they made of it last night!

I agree such as the song choice for Kimberly and that guy I thin, his name was Leon who sung 'Heaven' by Bryan Addams/Yanou,I really like that song but it just didn't work,I know singers should be able to more or less ing different types of songs,but there are some things that just don't work lol.

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