Y&R: Has Nick regained his memory?!

Question: I stopped watching The Young and the Restless when Nick came back, so does he remember anything now?

Answers: I stopped watching The Young and the Restless when Nick came back, so does he remember anything now?

Nick doesn't remember anything from the past two years, but he has fallen in love with Phyllis again and that is cool. I was wondering today, after he woke up from the collapse of the parking garage. Maybe that will get him to regain his memory. Two concussions in a short period of time. I don't know. But that would be good if he did.

He still doesn't remember anything from about a year or so before the crash. It's rather bogus, though, as he somehow developed feelings very quickly for Phyllis again.

no, he hasn't. he's still missing quite a while. but, i guess he's been filled in at work and home on the missing time and now feels more up to date.

i'm just glad he has stopped fawning over sharon as much as he did when he first came back. and i am really glad that he's found feelings for phyllis again. it was just a little too much back and forth for me... even for a soap! lol

not really but he glt closer with Phyllis before she was jailed.

his memory didn't come back but he fell in love with
"Big Red" again!
*drats---I wanted him and Sharon to reunite!

it's funny how he was telling sharon one minute how he wanted her and was kissing her and it seemed like a few shows after that he was back banging phyllis and making videos with that ugly baby of theirs. i wanted him and sharon to get back together, phyllis needs to be back with jack, she seems too old for nick.

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