Ghost Whisper from Friday night?!

Question: so Melinda had the dead stalker charging at her towards the end of the show then someone grabs him & the lights come back on then that was the end of the show
or was it ? anyone explain what happened??

Answers: so Melinda had the dead stalker charging at her towards the end of the show then someone grabs him & the lights come back on then that was the end of the show
or was it ? anyone explain what happened??

Good episode, I thought the stalker was going to stalk her as a ghost forever but it looks like another ghost grabs him and takes him away. I don't know what's going to happen but I think it has something to do with the secrets under the town. I guess we'll just have to wait for more new episodes.

I think that friends from the spirit world that like Melinda took him away . Alot of the spirits up there are her friends because she helped them get there . or could have been the ghost of the girl that he was stalking told the other spirits about him when she got there and they would not allow her to be stalked . good luck .

i interpreted it to be the devil or one of his henchmen coming and taking him to h e l l . since he was so evil, he wouldn't go into the light - only good people go there
just my opinion - but i love the show

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