Why does SNL suck so much right now?!

Question: SNL hasn't been any good since the early 90s. Maybe it has to do with lack of talent. People like John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, et. al. don't come along every day! They were stand out performers! Whatever they had, the latest group doesn't.

Answers: SNL hasn't been any good since the early 90s. Maybe it has to do with lack of talent. People like John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, et. al. don't come along every day! They were stand out performers! Whatever they had, the latest group doesn't.

Crappy writing...

Tina left.....no good writers.

i agree it isn't as good as it used to be but i think they have alot to stand up to.... they have had soo many great comedians on that all we do is compare it to the good ole days with chris farley... eddie murphy.. dan ackroyd.... adam sandler... david spade... of course jimmy fallon.... tina fey.... and countless others...

Because it's not 1975 anymore and less people have the 'humor' gene.

i noticed that too...why can't we have eddie, will and all the other SNL superstars back

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