Does anyone know who Brad Womack will pick on the Bachelor season finale?!

Question: I will be happy with either one he chooses. I think the logical person to pick would be Jenni because they have great chemisty and she was the first one he kissed and the girl that got the first impression rose, but I think just to throw a twist in the mix, he will pick DeAnna. My friend made a good point yesterday, reality tv is sooooooo scripted and they have the ability to make you believe what they want you to. They probably edited that show SO much that is makes it look like him and Jenni have such a great connection, that may not be the case! We shall see!

Answers: I will be happy with either one he chooses. I think the logical person to pick would be Jenni because they have great chemisty and she was the first one he kissed and the girl that got the first impression rose, but I think just to throw a twist in the mix, he will pick DeAnna. My friend made a good point yesterday, reality tv is sooooooo scripted and they have the ability to make you believe what they want you to. They probably edited that show SO much that is makes it look like him and Jenni have such a great connection, that may not be the case! We shall see!

Lets hope its Jenny...

I hope Deanna!!!! She seems real, Jennie seems to know the right things to say. We'll see what happens......

i think its going to be Jenni... from the start they have had nothing but physical attraction... she was the first to get a rose she was the first one he kissed and we all know what they were doing in the bedroom after last nights episode... i dont think Deanna is there for all the right reasons and they dont seem to be in as deep and Brad and Jenni... who knows over the next 2 weeks things could change... i wonder how we can skip ahead and find out who he picked... but i love watching the show cause hes so cute... i still think no matter what you cant shove 25 girls at someone and expect to really find "True Love" in 6 weeks with random strangers...

I think he should totally pick Deanna Jenni sucks and she was to eager to get that card thing last night, she just thinks hes hott and thats true but there is way more to him............

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