Do you think Dr Phil is the most dumbest person in the world?!

Question: Or is Oprah even more dumber ?

Answers: Or is Oprah even more dumber ?

theyre both pompous holier than thou' hypocrits

No, using phrases like "most dumbest" and "more dumber" would qualify YOU for that!

i think Tara Reid is the dumbest and Dr. Phil is a close 2nd.


The most dumbest person in the world, or even a more dumber one, is a person that doesn't know how to speak English correctly.

Definately not the dumbest in the world

I don't think he is dumb. And if he is, I'd say that the people on his show would have to be dumber for listening to him.

I think Dr Phil is so full of himself that he makes me want to puke. Oprah is at least makes a lot of her show about the guests and what they have to say rather than make herself the expert.

i hate both!

They are really boring

Well, first you have to understand that his segment of the show is pop culture at its worst. Maybe you do not agree with his point of view and it lacks medical or commonsense backing, but he does draw audiences, which is all the network is interested in.

Personally I like Dr. Phil and Oprah. They both have done a lot of good. I would give " Most Dumbest" person in the world to Tyra banks her talk show sucks.

You obviously don't have an intelligent bone in your body. Why don't you go back to school?


If you use words like "most dumbest" & "more dumber" you must be a Redneck.

I happen to like both Oprah & Dr. Phil. They've helped a lot of people. I bet you watch "Jerry Springer" daily without failure, don't you?

Dr.Phil uses allot of common sense in his show and what he tells his guests. His guests are troubled and they get in a rut that they can't get out of. It takes a person Like Dr. Phil to point out whats going wrong and he I feel he gives good advice on how to fix it. I applaud Dr Phil for Really getting to the bottom to what is going on and trying his best to fix it. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people. If you think Dr Phil is dumb you might think good ole common sense is dumb as well.

Actually, I think Dr Phil is amazing. What he has brought to daytime TV is a wealth of knowledge to families. He doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but he tells it like it is, offers plenty of after-care and always advocates for any children involved.
He's brutally honest and makes people "own" their issues and admit the truth about why they're there so they can move forward and begin to heal. I would love to meet him!!

u can't be serious??? did u read your question before you posted it???

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