Does anyone no if there will be a new series of two pints??!

Question: me and my family love two pints of larger and a packet of crisp's (the series) but does nayone no for sure, that there will be a new series, thanks xx

Answers: me and my family love two pints of larger and a packet of crisp's (the series) but does nayone no for sure, that there will be a new series, thanks xx

There has been an official confirmation that Two Pints will be back with a seventh series, with the episodes set to air some time in 2008. The recording is under way as of 4 November 2007. The series is said to air late in January 2008 and the DVD is to be released in March 2008.

i watched the paul o grady show last yr and will mellor ( Gaz ) was on the show and said they where filming a new series tht august, but considering they are all of doing their own things i really dont know.
i love two pints and hope their is as the halloween one was crap! lol!

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