What place or town was the t .v show the Brady Bunch base on?!

Question: Brady, California

Answers: Brady, California

I thought it was Los Angeles. Too busy ogling Marcia to pay attention.

this is all i could find..

"The Bradys lived at 4222 Clinton Way. Even though it was widely known that the show was set in the Los Angeles suburbs, the name of the town the Brady's lived in was never mentioned."

hope this helps =]

4222 Clinton Way
Somewhere in Southern California. The actual house is in Studio City.

Check out he link below for some more Brady Trivia!
I'm such a dork I tivo'd "A Very Brady Christmas". If the Brady's couldn't get me in the Christmas spirit, nobody could.

The above is correct as to the street address was:
4222 Clinton Way
Southern California

The kids went to Clinton Elementary School & Westdale High School,

I always thought it was Sacramento for some reason, but wiki says this:

The house used in exterior shots, which bears little relation to the interior design of the Bradys' home, is located at 11222 Dilling Street, North Hollywood, within the city limits of Los Angeles, California. According to a 1994 article in the Los Angeles Times, the San Fernando Valley house was built in 1959 and selected as the Brady residence because series creator Schwartz felt it looked like a home where an architect would live.


The address of the house in the series was given as 4222 Clinton Way (or Avenue). Although no city ever was specified, it was presumed from references to the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Los Angeles Rams, and a Hollywood movie studio, among many others, that the Bradys lived in Southern California, most likely Los Angeles or one of its suburbs. In the 2002 TV movie The Brady Bunch in the White House, Cindy's map and Mike's speech state that the family lived in Santa Monica, California.

So I guess it was Santa Monica.

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