Survivor fans Who is upset that Johnny Fairplay is going to be on the next Survi!

Question: I saw the announcement for the next series and uggh Johnny Fairplay is one of the survivors. Do you think he should have another shot at it?

Answers: I saw the announcement for the next series and uggh Johnny Fairplay is one of the survivors. Do you think he should have another shot at it?

i was kinda mad at first but then im kinda interested about how he's gonna do. I REALLY dont think he's gonna last long tho. and plus i thought that it was Survivor Vanuatu and up. I was happy to see Cirie coming back.

yes so they can vote him out first
because many of them knows how he plays

I'm not surprised. He is what as known to the industry as "good TV". If he's there, people will watch for no other reason that they hate his guts. I don't believe he actually he any real "chance" at winning. No one would allow that I'm sure.

it doesn't matter and just to tell u he is either first or second out of the game, cuz i know who wins and all the spoilers.

I'd rather see him on it again than Eliza and Parveti.

I'm not thrilled with the people they're putting on there as "favorites" anyway. Johnny is purely for ratings, I barely remember Amy, and I don't want to sit through Amanda and James two seasons in a row.

I was actually disappointed that Terry, Brian, and Rafe weren't on the list of favorites. I would have loved to see Austin back but that's purely for the eye-candy aspect.

You are kidding really wow I didn't know that. Thanks for the update!!

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