Is any show better than Seinfeld?!

Question: What show(s) is/are better than Seinfeld, and why?

Answers: What show(s) is/are better than Seinfeld, and why?

I liked Seinfeld. I laughed in nearly every episode. The problem with it was that I never really cared about any of the characters. For me, The Office is one of the best comedies ever. I can't remember when I laughed as hard while watching a sitcom as I do at times with the Office. Plus, the Office has what Seinfeld was missing...characters you actually care about. But that is just my opinion...

Arrested Development is a lot funnier than Seinfeld. Each character is unique and hilarious. The humor is smart and the dialogue is very sharp.

No doubt. L world is an example cause its about a polemic subject and it is very cool.

I would say so, but never really cared for the humor in Seinfeld. It didn't amuse me. Don't think I'll explain myself.
I just list what favorites I have. OCC on Discovery now: reason, I find the Tuttle family as humorous & I like their work. History: Mail Call: The Guney is one of the few Marines I respect. Could say Jar-head, but ponder if it's appropriate or not. Dogg Chappmen. Liked his realality show. Sorry for the trouble he's dealing with now. Could comment, but should know more The Mythbusters: Only a MAN, is Brave enough to wear a barret & make it a unique style. Have a few others... but those pop to mind first.
Take care. How many hands down will I get for not really caring for Seinfeld, even for explaining myself?

Um not really they were funny for so long the only one i can think of that is even close would be That 70's show. And there is no way that Arrested Development will ever be compared to Seinfeld.

I enjoyed Seinfeld when it came on, but better sitcoms have been in existence.
M*A*S*H always was and always will be my fav the early episodes with Col. Blake were hilarious, the episodes with Col. Potter are funny but they also got more serious as time went on.
Another fav was All In The Family, 2 words to describe what made it funny Archie Bunker!

I am also a non Seinfled lover. Any show is better than Seinfeld to me except possibly Will and Grace and The Office.

Even though Larry David was a writer on Seinfeld I think Curb Your Enthusiasm is alot funnier, its funny you just wait for something bad to happen to the guy but can't help but laugh.

No way! I own all the seas ons and I know this may be obcessive but I watch them every single night in bed. I just laugh and it never gets old. George is my favorite!

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