Will & grace?!

Question: how does this pretentious shite get on the telly? it is so contrived that it gives me a knot in the stomach when the trailers come on!

Answers: how does this pretentious shite get on the telly? it is so contrived that it gives me a knot in the stomach when the trailers come on!

I'm afraid I have to burst your bubble with this answer....

I enjoy watching Will and Grace however I am not that fond of either Will or Grace!!

I like Rosario and Karen and John Cleese was fantastic as well, think they are hilarious ;0)

Don't you like it, then?

Don't watch it then.

because there is alot of gay ppl who watch it

Will & Grace is one of the best shows ever played on the air ,dont hate , and if you dont like it , go watch Sesame St

Because It was a great show until, arguably, the last two seasons.

Will and Grace used to be the best thing on telly for a while up to the point where grace got married then it went down hill for me and lost interest. However when Minnie Diver and John Clease appeared, it was funny again for a while at least.

The old episodes are the best!

You don't have to watch it if you don't want to. I'm a fan myself, especially the live televised once. But I guess it's each to their own.

Ginger. It's called a remote.

So, don`t watch it, get back to your knitting.

Because there weren't many shows featuring gay characters that could air on the major networks. It was funny, and could appeal to straight people too, I guess.
I think it started to lose steam when HBO and Showtime started airing shows with gay characters that were way more interesting. Shows like "The L Word" and "Queer as Folk" showed a more realistic view of the gay lifestyle. Plus, there was a LOT of nudity in those!!

It's brilliant-what can you not like about it?
What do you prefer to watch?

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