What is U.N.I.T from Doctor Who?!

Question: I want to know what U.N.I.T is beacuse they are making a return in the 4th and upcoming Doctor Who series.

If you listen to the episode The Sound Of The Drums you will hear when the president says he is taking over the alien contact meeting he says that U.N.I.T is taking over the alien meeting operation.

Answers: I want to know what U.N.I.T is beacuse they are making a return in the 4th and upcoming Doctor Who series.

If you listen to the episode The Sound Of The Drums you will hear when the president says he is taking over the alien contact meeting he says that U.N.I.T is taking over the alien meeting operation.

U.N.I.T. (United Nations Intellegence Taskforce) was introduced in 1970,when Jon Pertwee took over as the Doctor (and the show went to color with the episode "Spearhead From Space").

Its leader,Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart,was introduced in the 1967 Patrick Troughton episode "The Web of Fear" as a British Army officer whom the Doctor helps during an invasion of the Yeti (only the first episode currently exists; there is a fan-produced reconstruction of the entire story in circulation).

He reappeared in the 1968 episode "The Invasion" (now on DVD with a computer-animated reconstruction of the first and fourth episodes made by Cosgrove-Hall,the studio that produced "Danger Mouse",using the original audio tracks taped directly off the original BBC1 broadcasts) as a colonel helping the Doctor battle the Cybermen and a megalomaniac electronics baron under their control.

U.N.I.T. and the Brigadier's crew (Capt. Mike Yates, Sgt. John Benton, Liz Shaw and [after the 1970 season] Jo Grant [left after the 1972-73 season]) were regular characters during the Pertwee years. UNIT (note the period-less spelling,common amongst Who fans and official books and merchandise) was phased out when Tom Baker took over the role of the Doctor.

The Brigadier returned during Peter Davison's run (in "The Five Doctors" and "Mawdryn Undead"); UNIT didn't reappear on the show until the 1989 Sylvester McCoy episode "Battlefield" (in it,the Brigadier is brought out of retirement to help his successor Brigadier Winifred Bambera and the Doctor battle Morgaine le Fey who had gotten herself to the 20th Century in search of King Arthur).

And that is the UNIT backstory.

okay this is a short answer but... U.N.I.T as far as i know, was first mentioned in the first series of the revived ones. it was in the one when the slitheen attack london. basically, UNIT is an organisation that keeps a watch on alien activity... and the doctor. i think its similar to torchwood.

in the 4th series trailer, apparently martha is wearing a unit badge so i think shes going to become part of it or something. anyway, i am not sure if the doctor hates UNIT as much as he hates torchwood, but clearly saxon did not seem to like them either

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