Did You watch Lost Yesterday Evening? Can you tell me something?!

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Sure. What do you want to know?

Well it was a flash forward of Hurley. He was in a mental institution again after crashing a car. He was visited (among others) by Charlie (yes and he did say he was dead, but he was also visiting Hurley) and Jack. Back on the island, the castaways basically split into two groups with Locke and Jack as their leaders. Kate (and I think Sayid) stayed with Jack while Sawyer and Hurley (who was skeptical of being rescued because Desmond told him about Charlie's message - "Not Penny's Boat") went with Locke. Hurley also came across Jacob's cabin and someone who looked like Christian Shepherd (Jack's father) was in the chair in the cabin. It ended with another helicopter and parachuter who met up with Jack.

yea it was real weird

it was amazing.....one of my favorite episodes so far!!!LOST IT THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!

yeah and when Charlie's girlfriend found out that he died she was all sad, and so was curly. :[

kinda disappointing..u can watch it on abc.com now

Of course I watched it. Something I can tell you is that Ben has some great one-liners.


Yes, I can tell you something!

hurley is one that gets off the island. he says "im one of the oceanic six" which leads us to believe 6 got off the island

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