So we think we have it bad in RTV for trolls etc but have you checked out curren!

Question: They're mean over there! lol

Answers: They're mean over there! lol

I am shocked and stunned at this question. We are not mean over in Current Events, we are just misunderstood!! Its fine once you get into the swing of things, you should come over for party night!!

p.s. snitch grassed you up in the current events catergory. Shocking isnt it??

Yep. Spammers now sabotaging questions they don't like!

"I have proof that so-and-so and so-and-so are the same person", etc, etc, etc.

I think I'll stick to RTV lol!!!!

Actually, I quite like CE, but it's not for the faint-hearted!!!!!

Yes,l tried a few others, and got violation orders for saying.

Good Luck
for saying

google it
And for answering a

This is for Men
lol. he he, funny people. Stayin away now. Love .Jo.xx

the peeps in CE take things way too seriously

I go there sometimes....But I don't stay
It was real dangerous there when the McCann story was in full swing.

If I`m bored sometimes I`ll wander over to Current Events. I always regret it though. They are way beyond mean over there and I end up with a headache!!!!!!

What are they doing in there? They should be doing something useful in that religious section..... or have they all wimped out?

Yeah .... and here I was ... thinking they had it INFAMY
my paTROLLers are puddy tats compared to those guys...

dR bad
and.... I tawt I taw a puddy tat..... ? I thought he posted a question about me last night in the US RTV section

dont! they'll terrorise you!

The only time I stick my nose in there gart is if one of my contacts asks a question.......otherwise I stay away if I can help it. Scary Territory is Current Events !!


there are so mean everywhere

I can't wait til my speech on friday lmao.

that should be 'interesting'

I used to spend a lot of time on Current Events but it`s full of bad mouthing on the site,trolls, deletions, violations and hate mail,,it` is easily the worst site to be on,,,,stay well clear,,lol

yeah they mean everywhere esp in footy just ask the doc

dunno but storm trooper is in tears cos you have blocked him lol i just read it i said dunno why maybe she hates storm troopers lol hey dont block me just letting you know there talking about you lol

I did warn people I used to love it over there until McCann story and you got 20 thumbs up for and 20 thumbs down against so you could not win either way. Violations were a regular occurrence almost like having a friend lol
If you want it worst go into the Senior citizen one never posted in there to scared too lol

bit like going in a brothal without any change .lol.what a pile of kaka in there.

Yeah...Ive barely got out of there in one piece....but keep nipping back in....keep them on their

It's been like that since the 'pro vs the anti Mc Cann' thing

EDIT - I'll go along with Momof3 about poor old Senior Citizens - load of Victor Meldrews over there - and I am one !

when i read that Q i had to do a double take at who the questioner was. i thought for a minute it was clive with his wooden spoon again!!!!

Its funny why people who never leave their house seem to have the infinite answers to everything...

sorry but this is not a current event question,

I say, what a mean lot you are in this section.

every sections got them Gart, Why TF can't some people get a life?????????????

Maybe we don't want your sort on CE. LOL

Whooops i thought i was in the reality television category.
Ah well better head back to CE then,it's boring here.

I think it is everywhere M but I agree that current events is 'hairy' to say the least especially over the McCann issue!!

They are everywhere gart's!

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