Big Brother Battle of the gay guys?!

Question: whos the biggest jerk?
Dustin from last season or Josh from this season?

Josh makes me laugh a little like to night with the dancing.
I hated Dustin with a passion.

Answers: whos the biggest jerk?
Dustin from last season or Josh from this season?

Josh makes me laugh a little like to night with the dancing.
I hated Dustin with a passion.

OMG do not compare someone as great as dick to someone as dumb and wasteful of air as joshua.
He is by far worse than dustin in the sense that he calls out people who have nothing against him..
Seriously, he just wants to start random stuff either a) because he wants to "stir things up" which is dumb on his part or b) he is NUTS

I didn't like Dustin at all...either. But he was somewhat tolerable.

Normally, I would also find Josh's little dancing episodes cute and funny. But, I don't like the man at all.... so it's hard for me to see anything that he does funny! When he first came on the show I thought he was so cute... now I just think he is an ugly ugly person!

Thanks BTW for answering my q. That was exactly what I meant!! I wasn't offended... that was me being sarcastic. :o)~

Josh is the biggest jerk. Dustin could be a jerk at times, but I don't think he was as hateful.

battle of the gay guys!!! i love it!! LOL!!

that is a tough call!! i think josh is a complete poser. i think he is trying to emulate evel dick, jameka and amber!! noticed how much he prays??? LOL
dustin was a greedy little worm that got exactly what he got backdoored right out of the house!!
he even said several time on BB8 how he had a lot to learn on being selfless and not selfish!!
nothings worse than a natural born prick!!! he is the worst out of the two!
josh is insane, but i think he is acting this way on purpose. he has said he wants to start an acting career when the show is over.(in a soap opera) i guess he is using his BB time as a massive audition!!!

I cant stand either.
Josh is no Dick. Dick was fun. Josh is just a jerk.

Josh is much worse in my opinion! Some of the things he says to the other houseguests are so disgusting and hurtful. I'm all for being honest and upfront...I think Dustin was very conniving and deceitful....but Josh is outright nasty! He's trying too hard to be like Dick, but it's not working.

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