Is the television show Jericho Cancelled??!

Question: I'm am hearing rumors. Could anyone find a link that would give me some info on the show's status. Also is there a website that lists television show ratings and their status?

Answers: I'm am hearing rumors. Could anyone find a link that would give me some info on the show's status. Also is there a website that lists television show ratings and their status?

It is currently airing its shortened second season, but things don't look good for renewal for a third season.

According to Matt Roush of TV Guide...
"Given the lackluster ratings upon its return (last week's ratings spike probably had something to do with NBC's unfortunate decision to expose Quarterlife to an audience beyond the Internet), I'm not sure Jericho will get a chance to go beyond this seven-episode miniseries and make any course corrections." Also according to Roush, the ratings for the most recent outing were crucial. "To me, this is the make-or-break episode of this shortened season. If what happens this Tuesday doesn't spark interest in the show, it's probably just a matter of counting down episodes until the series finale on March 25." Unfortunately, "Jericho dropped 14 percent, slipping to 5.9 mil." this past Tuesday.

Thus, as it is steadily losing viewers and the ratings aren't all that great (5.9 is nothing; the NCIS repeat of that week got over 10), it isn't looking promising for a third season.

To look for a show's status...

This list has all of the shows that will be back next fall. It is not completely current, as it doesn't have the newest CW renewals...

Here are the latest CW renewals...

Here are the shows that will be back this summer...

Here are the shows that are officially canceled this year...

And here is a list of the "bubble" shows, whose fate is yet to be determined...

You can also look at the TV Guide strikewatch update page, as it not only lists when shows should start up again, but also a lot of the shows' status for the fall...

As far as ratings go, you can check each night here...

This would be the ratings night for Jericho (it got barely half what a Law & Order: SVU repeat got)...

Also, TV Guide's news blog runs ratings everyday. You can check back through it or just go to it on days you are interested in the previous night's ratings. That's where I usually get my ratings information from.

Well they are putting it back on for one more season but it probably won't survive.

No, it is on Tuesday night right now

not only is it still on,...season one has been picked up by scifi channel

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