Flava of Love question?!

Question: In your opinion was Bunz stretching the truth about the girlz saying she had or would do Flav?

Answers: In your opinion was Bunz stretching the truth about the girlz saying she had or would do Flav?

No I think she was right on the money and both of those girls need to go. Especially shy with her bad breath!

yes.... she kind of bugs me.

no i think she was in the right

I dont know, but i think the funniest moment in Flav of Love was the "Bootz & Newyork" Conversation.

Bootz: "Flav will pick me because i speak whats on my mind"
New York: "Of COURSE you speak whats on your mind! Where else would we get our ideas from, OUR ***?!?!"

No, because what Miami said was implied, not saying that Bunz was wrong. Miami knows why she said what she said, and she just wanted Bunz outta the house -but it backfired.

No, she was right. Those two, (stank breath, and stank ho) were trying to make her mad because they lost. The story was whack, even my kids would have booed her.

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