Rock of Love 2: What did you think of yesterday's episode?!

Question: I was really happy when Kristy Joe went home - the way Bret acted, I think he had planned to pick her in the end.

Answers: I was really happy when Kristy Joe went home - the way Bret acted, I think he had planned to pick her in the end.

Yep Kristy Hoe is gone. That was great seeing her leave. Stupid liar is still married and had no intentions of getting divorced.
If I was the other girls, especially Megan, I would pack up and leave his sorry a**. He made it clear he cared for Kristy more than anyone else. I couldn't believe how he treated them.
I bet he would have picked her in the end. I just wonder if this season will be like Flavor of Love and he will get a chance to bring her back. I could see her coming back saying I'm divorced now. And Bret be all ready to take her back, nasty.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was really happy when she decided to go home, too. Her drama had become unbearable but it was clear that Bret was crazy about her, despite. I felt embarrassed for Megan - who got to stay only by default. That would be awful.

Ambre remains my favorite.

I liked her, ut i didnt think she was going to win. But i think the winner will be Daisy or like Jessica. (even though i dont really like Daisy). But did you know that Megan was on "Beauty and the Geek"!?...i think shes just there for te camara time.

She was absolutely unbearable. I am so glad that she's gone. It seemed that she was there for all the wrong reasons.

>>I was sooooooo excited that that lying fake @SS left ,,,BUT MAKES ME THINK THAT Bret HAS LOST HIS MIND!!!does he not know ALL the drama and baggage that she would bring into his life???Unless hes the type of guy who Likes to" fix "girls,,,WTF was he thinking???
BUT that wasn't the only enjoyment I had watching,,,,,I loved the look on Megan's face when she realized that "Bret wasn't her man '',,as she is always saying ! She looked like a fool standing up there waiting for Bret to return from his DRAMATIC Good Bye to Kristy Joe,,,I bet she didn't really know if she was staying or not??Seeing as she HAD NO PASS!!! It just goes to show you that no matter HOW many reality shows your on .....Doesn't make you a Star like Megan thought she was,,,all said>>>I love yesterdays show!!AND cant wait to see what the Ex Boyfriends HAVE to bring to the table>>>I'm thinking that Kristy Joe got wind of what would be coming up and that's why she decided to leave>>>>God only knows what her 2 ex-husbands would spill to Bret???

I said this on another question but I'll say it here too...

If I were one of the remaining girls and saw how Bret reacted with Kristy Joe's decision to leave, I'd pack my bags. Obviously he wanted to end up with her at the end, so why would I want him to feel like he had to "settle" for me?

Noooooo.... But thank gooodness she's gone!!!! She was crrrrazy! I actually cheered when she said she was leaving, lol

I agree Samantha! I was baffled last night when he actually asked her if she would stay in the house and continue to rock his world lol.. I thought he was just calling her down to say WHAT do YOU want? And if she said yes/no, he would just say I don't think the timing is right but your a great girl blah blah..... OH NO, I think you're right -- he KNEW in his mind he was going to pick her. I honestly think it was because she did play hard to get. She was the only one that did not throw herself at him, and he kinda had to always go to HER to see what was up. How weird was last night!? wow... But good riddance to her lol, too much baggage =)

it was a great show last night !!!! .. I have to agree , with the way Bret acted .. it was scary , like he was gonna pick her .. she needs to work out her issues.

I can't believe how Bret reacted! He might as well have told everyone else to go pack their bags and leave. He never did that with anyone, so it was pretty obvious he was planning on picking her. Now what?? She was serious overkill lol.

Whew!! That was a great episode.
I am happy to see her leave. Now, oh Megan!!! Buy Bye!!!

Ambre, Jessica and Destiney still rocks!!
I am happy to see them all there at the end.

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