Who is your favorite character from M*A*S*H? Why?!

Question: This was one of the most perfectly casted TV shows that ever was and the acting was brilliant.

Answers: This was one of the most perfectly casted TV shows that ever was and the acting was brilliant.

SUCH a hard question because the characters made the show bend and twist in different subtleties. You're right, it was perfectly casted because the writing for the characters came alive with the acting of those cast. It is hard to say just one character, but if I had to choose, I would go with...

Winchester, who had secret sides of goodness to him (how charming he was to "Mrs. Chuck Winchester" in the episode Mrs. Who?, and his family tradition of giving secretly to charity at Christmas...)

BJ Hunnicut because he had morals and stuck to them, yet without judging other people for not mirroring his own code of ethics. He was ethical without being in-your-face about it.

Henry always made me laugh, and his indeciciveness and pushover tendencies made him not all that good at his job even though in the long run it frequently made him better at his job than someone who was a "born leader." I really like Potter, too, though.

Favorite character overall? Hawkeye? Radar? BJ? I have no idea, they're all too good to choose one over the other :)

ha ha, lol. one of my favorites, and it's not one of the dramatic ones--is Tuttle. did you see it? where hawkeye & bj made up captain tuttle, and then ended up having to invent his ultimate demise and eulogize him in front of the whole company???? not a dry eye in the house, it was hilarious! :) Report It

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  • Hmmmm.... I'd have to say Hawkeye, Radar, and Klinger are my top faves.

    Jamie Farr in a dress- mmmhmmm

    Rosie--- the Koren women that ran the bar she was funny.

    Hawkeye. They wrote great lines for him, and he executed them brillantly. I loved his laugh.

    Henry Blake

    The character Klinger - Jamie Farr was the perfect person to play Klinger. Farr wearing a dress with his hairy legs was hysterical. Also all his schemes to get out were great! I thought the show was going to suffer when Radar left but his character held up the show.

    BJ Honeycutt.
    His devotion to his family was nice to see.

    But the show was more than just the sum of their parts.

    We still Tivo it.

    Frank Burns-The loveable dimwit with authority

    I <3 Hawkeye because hes soo sarcastic and funny!
    (Especially in that episode where he gets a concussion & he just keeps talking, even though the people he is with don't speak english)
    But Radar comes in a close second.
    And BJ in that episode where they try to find out what the BJ stands for and it turns out it just stands for BJ.

    Colonel Potter. He could be tough, funny, and fatherly. I thought he was waaaaaay better than Colonel Blake.

    Hawkeye and Radar they were so wise but yet silly and funny. Rador was very goofy, nosy, and yet he was cool and funny.

    I was always entertained by the silly conflict between Hawkeye and Trapper with Frank Burns, But Loretta Swit as Hotlips was my favorite character

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