BB US 9: I thought Josh was going to go off on Sheila during the live show last !

Question: There were some pretty heated moments on the live feeds prior to the show and now they seem like they are getting along, what happened? Does this show how much of a jerk he is?

Answers: There were some pretty heated moments on the live feeds prior to the show and now they seem like they are getting along, what happened? Does this show how much of a jerk he is?

I think it did it during the commercial break or right before the HOH

Shelia was talking today to Adam about Josh, and what he did

They did not give much infro

BB did tell him not to do anything during the live show
I think he did it during the commercial

He is a jerk, he needs to go

I think BB stepped in and said something to him.

I think Shelia going and telling on him....that he was called to the DR and they must have said something to him .because it being live and afraid of the language or whatever I think it would had made for great TV... I was so anxiuos for that to happen as well...What ya think of Adam winning? He got so lucky on that ...I loved Chel's face...Well today we shall she who he chooses....I think it should be Chel and Josh but I dont know....Ryan is sticking up for Josh for their secret alliance ....I know Adam is about done with Shelia cant wait to see what is does he is too unpredictable for me to figure out...I just know he wants to break up couples for good!

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