Jeremy Kyle??!

Question: Does anyone else think he is in love with his own name?

Answers: Does anyone else think he is in love with his own name?

Jeremy Kyle is a vile, pretentious, slug of a man, who instead of solving problems, belittles people, good or bad, purely for ratings, because he knows the very same people who go on his show to be ripped to pieces by this self-righteous mook are the same who give him his ratings.

And there's nothing better for an ex-con druggie with a fear of monogomy watching an ex-con druggie with a fear of monogomy getting a face full of spit from a guy who I'm sure is an ex-con closet druggie, who's single so he doesn't have to worry about monogomy.

Ain't life grand.

he's a d**k full of himself

he's a knob head.

i think he is a battie boy

What an ******** that guy is.....he's right up his own hole

nah i disagree with you guys, i like jeremy kyle, he tells it how it is and helps out loads of familys! i like him

I don't think he's that bad but still he does seem like he's up himself quite abit/

True but his show does make for some entertaining TV. You just wonder how these pikeys live, and why evolution hasnt taken its course and got rid of them???

lol yeah he's a bit of a bum boy but his show is funny as hell sumtimes!

I think he likes to have control and gets on a huge power trip.

His advice is usually rubbish or plain common sense anyhow.

He just a little man trying to get famous and loves seeing his name in big letters all around him.

He an idiot!


How does he not get smacked in the face by some of his contestants?
One minute hes sitting having a cosy chat to some woman about how her husband beat her up and slept with her sister, five minutes later he's telling her that its all she deserves for not making his favourite tea!
Quality viewing tho!

he tells all his guests to get a job but if they did he would lose half his audience. If I ever met that man in the street....

My daughter went to watch his show a couple of weeks ago and she thought it was great. She said he's a really little guy but funny with it. He does come across as a bit "perfect" but it is probably all an act. This is "Show Biz" when all said and done.

Guy's it aint real ....come on they get hotel and nosh up for the night and thats that ...shout at each other and get a night out ....

yep. i wonder if he realises how often he actually says it. but lets not forget his guests are usually of very low intelligence. maybe he feels he has to keep reminding them

He only loves one person, himself.

i wanna shot him every time he says it. idiot

im so glad someone else thinks so too. He speaks to people like dirt!! He shouts at them. Hes a prat, cant stand to watch him anymore.

Even worse is that people actually watch his shows

that man is a PRAT

well someones got to be haven't they?

Tacky programme. Can't watch it at all. Too cheap for my taste.

Have you ever seen the Dead Ringers comedy show when they do a take off of the Jeremy Kyle show? It is so accurate and funny. Jon Culshaw keeps turning to the camera and says 'I'm Jeremy Kyle' and ' you're scum! Get a job!'.

i like jeremy. does anyone else walk down the street and think you belong on jeremy kyle when someone walks by

hes a real pillock, and so two faced, iv done this show for two years ten years on the radio so i know what im talking about, er yeah ok jezza, whatever you say mate,

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