What was the last new episode of Greys Anatomy about?!

Question: What was the last new episode of Greys Anatomy about!?
Greys Anatomy returns this Thursday!.!.!.!.does anyone remember what the last new episode was!? It's been so long I don't even remember what happened last! :(Www@Enter-QA@Com

"George has a surprise visitor!. Callie copes with not being an O'Malley anymore!. Bailey's family is falling apart, by her husband not thinking she cares about her son and husband!. Tuck goes into surgery with the whole hospital worried!. Derek sorts through what kissing Rose means!. Meredith discovers something that doesn't inspire hope or happiness in her!. Alex treats a faith healer, and doesn't believe in her "powers"!."

If you want a longer recap and don't mind snark, I love television without pity!.!.!.

Here's TV Guide's recap of the season/last episode!.!.!.

As well as their recaps of Meredith/Derek and George/Izzie!.!.!.

I agree that it has been a long wait!. I'm really looking forward to Addison coming back!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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