For Lost Fans! Theories?!

Question: For Lost Fans! Theories!?
I want to know what other people's theories are on the "island" and all the craziness on the show!?

Please no spoilers!. The fun part of watching it is NOT knowing whats going to happen!.

I have mine, but I'm curious about what other people think!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It is a special island with special properties that affect time, among other things!. Somehow it cured Rose's cancer, and made Locke able to walk!. Jin, whose sperm count was too low for Sun to get pregnant was also cured!. Time is also affected, which is why they are "invisible" to the world most of the time!. Yes, the Dharma people were there either because of its special properties, or their experiments did something to cause the weird things!. Most likely, though, the properties it possesses are related to its location!. I think the writers are basing the weirdness of the island on it being something similar to the Bermuda Triangle stories!. Remember, too, that some people can come and go on and off the island with no bad side-effects!. Tom told Michael that when he followed Michael and convinced him to board the ship!. We know that Ben has left the island also and returned!. Yet, others are affected by the time warp thing, which can be deadly as it was with the ship's radio guy!.

I haven't totally decided if "the others" are truly evil or if they just have their own reasons for protecting the island from outsiders!. I do think that, for whatever reasons, the Oceanic 6 will eventually end up back on the island!. Somehow their return to their lives before the island is harmful in some way to those who remain on the island!. !?!?!?!?!?!? LOTS of mystery, LOTS of questions!? LOTS of pieces still missing from the puzzle, but isn't it great fun!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

maybe it's all a crazy dream inside of Hurley's head!. He'll wake up in the insane asylum and Jack will be his Doctor there, and all the other characters will be people that work there!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's all a conspiracy and I have a feeling that Ben is gonna die!. I like the fact that you never know what the writers are gonna "allude" to next!.!.!. One week, it's Amelia Earnhart died on the island, the next week, they've invented time travel and can bend space for instant teleportation!.!.!.LOL there's a box on the island that can bring anything you want!.!.!. How bout me!? I just wanna get close to Jack or Sawyer for a few minutes :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well, I believe the Island has special properties that have to do with electromagnetism that affect the ability of other people to see it, and would also explain the time differential!. I also believe that's why the Dharma Group were there in the first place and why Charles Whitmore wants the Island so bad!. I also believe that it's these properties of the Island that are causing the problems with Jack, Hurley and Sayid in the future, and that the reason Kate and Sun aren't having problems have something to do with the children - Aaron was born on the Island, Yi Jeong was conceived on the Island, and we know the Island is connected to children in some way!. Walt showed psychic tendencies on the Island!. Where I get confused is the big question: Who are the bad guys!? The Otheres, the people on the Freighter!? Or even John Locke!? Has the Island turned him bad!. At least you know what Kate and Sawyer are up to - like Sawyer said - survival, Kate, survival!. And hasn't Jack turned into an a**!? He was my hero at first, but now I find him smug, self-righteous and irritating!. But I still love Hurley!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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