Rock of love reunion....?!

Question: Rock of love reunion!.!.!.!.!?
i dont know i was pretty disappointed i was aspecting more you know!? like thats all that happen between Heather and Daisy i mean wtf thats it!!!! and Amber im sorry but she looked old and whatevers she didnt even look hott!.!.!.over all i was pretty boring!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i too wanted to see a little more fighting going on, but oh well
but at least this time he stayed with the girl, hopefully it works out for themWww@Enter-QA@Com

yeah i agree, ambre looks like dr!. laura from talk radio, only older and more haggard!. she kinda looked like a defrosted chicken that someone forgot about in the trunk of an 89 toyota tercel!. I know that's really specific, but that's how she looks!. I was horrified when she won!. We were all supposed to go, "oh good, he picked someone close to his age!. how!.!.!.decent of him!." i resent being misjudged that way, lol!. plus the reunion show seemed fake and rehearsed to me!. I expect a little of that, but this was terrible!. i couldn't even watch!. i'm sure i will later though since it will come on infinity more times!.Www@Enter-QA@Com


Amber may look old, but she was a good choice of the last remaining girls!.!. the other ones would have been done with him the week after the show ya know!.!. she seems ready to settle down, and its not always about young hot girls!.!. b/c obviously that idea didnt work out the first season!.

daisy looked like she felt like she was used!.!. she looked real good on the reunion show!.
That guy!.!. I mean girl!.!. that was singing!.!. please!.!.!.that was so stupidWww@Enter-QA@Com

It was pretty much what I expected!. I actually like Ambre!. She isn't a train wreck, that's for sure!. Daisy was uglier, I think!. She reminded me of those fish in that movie Shark Tale, lol!. Hope that I'm not the only one who remembers that movie, lol!. And for the record 37 is not old!. (and no, I'm not even in my 30s yet) Go Ambre!!

LMAOOO!!! The girl that sang was Peyton!! WTF was she thinking!?! I still can't figure out why she was on the show in the first place!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hello!?!?!?!? How old do you think Bret Michael's is!? One day he's going to have to go for substance and not just bimbos with boob jobs!.!.!.!.!.and no jobs!Www@Enter-QA@Com

The Rock of Love 2 reunion show was boring!. I was expecting more action!. I can't believe most of the girls didn't get a chance to put in a word!. Heather and Daisy's fight was about all the excitement that happened, although the tribute to Destiney's father was very moving!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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