Who got kicked off of top chef tonight?!

Question: Who got kicked off of top chef tonight!?
Who got kicked off top chef tonight!? 5/28!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It was down to the typical bottom two, Spike and Lisa!. It was Lisa's fifth time in the bottom and Spike's seventh!. Spike kind of smarted off to the guest judge (whose restaurant they had to run for an evening) about the quality of the scallops that he used as having been in the chef's fridge thereby placing the blame on the chef as poor quality product having been in his restaurant in the first place!. But ultimately, it was Spike's fault for using the scallops which were frozen and not of the best quality!.

It is ironic that Spike won the quickfire which they say gave him the 'advantage' because this meant that Spike was able to pick the proteins first, which he went with the signature steak that the restaurant serves and the scallops for an appetizer!. I think when someone gets that advantage, the judges judge the person a little harder knowing that they had an advantage and punishing them if they don't use it wisely!. As such, they ended up sending Spike packing and Lisa was granted another stay of execution!.

There were also three special guest judges - all of the previous winners of top chef!.

Stephanie won the overall elimination challenge and was given all of the GE Monogram kitchen appliances that they use in the TC kitchen for her kitchen at home!. Stephanie, Richard, Antonia and Lisa will head to Puerto Rico for the finale!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah what Christine p said (holy wow she went into deep detail!!!!)

anyhoo i didn't like Spike at first he kinda agitated me but I actually started liking him the last couple of shows & was sad to see him go
he actually had some good talent-
did anyone else notice that
1> lisa is kind of a lesbiotch w/a bad attitude
2> shes not really a good chef (besides the miso glazed bacon dish) she's bombed on ALOT of her dishes & in 2 different challanges she had the same problem with cooking her rice
this is top chef-learn to cook rice for crying out loud!!!!!!!

so yeah anyhoo spike went home but it should have been lisa I think

also spike was in tne bottom 7 times but
1 time was when he worked with antonia & lisa & he wanted to do butternut squash & they wouldnt let him & the teams dish failed (but in a latter episode his butternut squash with andrew was fabulouse!!!!!) & the other time it was the wedding wars (also a team collaboration) & then a 3'rd was with the resturant wars & his recipe came out good it was dale & lisa that made him be on the chopping block

so yeah he was in the bottom a few times but 1/2 of those times werent even his fault so he shouldnt have been penelized for them =(

sorry so long LOLWww@Enter-QA@Com

It was finally Spike's turn to go!. He has always been so over confident in his abilities, but the last few shows have shown he lacks imagination and would rather play it safe, or cause trouble for the others!. He won the quick fire tonight but made so many mistakes in the elimination round, his weaknesses just came shining through!. Bye, bye, SpikieWww@Enter-QA@Com

Spike !.!.!. I was hoping it was him or Lisa but, it was him they said he had been in the bottom two 7 times so it was no suprise he was there lastnight!. Lisa had also been in the bottom and she has been there 5 times!. Next week is the finale can't wait! :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Spike =(Www@Enter-QA@Com



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