The Apprentice, This will be a big drop in pay though, don't you think?!

Question: The Apprentice, This will be a big drop in pay though, don't you think!?
Ooh that's interesting as the headquarters of Essex County Council is only a couple of miles away from me and I have worked there!!! Wonder what sort of job they would be offered though!? More to the point would the person who comes second accept!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

this is a compertion, and the people who do well in this compertion will earn good money for the for seeable future!.
£85k with deductions works out to be less than £1,000 a week cash!.
They are much better of working for them self and really making a go of life!.
I know one thing I would not work for Sir Allan for any amount of $$££ , it apears what ever you do he is never pleased!.
Look at others who were on the show over the years!. Many have moved on to bigger and better things!. Of course this is not for everyone because your a long time dead !.Www@Enter-QA@Com


Well there are 426 to choose from!. I'm sure if they were offering in excess of £85,000!.000 - Buebell would still be there !

No, they won't take a pay cut - they'll just do 'reverse dinosaur' impersinations to make themselves unsuitable !Www@Enter-QA@Com

It must be!.!.!.I wouldn't take it unless they were offering to match my last salary!.
Claire for instance was on £85K per year!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Oh Bless it may well be sweeping the road could just see Claire with her broom pmlrofWww@Enter-QA@Com

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