Dont you hate episodes made out of clips from previous shows?!

Question: Dont you hate episodes made out of clips from previous shows!?
it's so annoying and unoriginal!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

You're absolutely right!. One or two short flashbacks can be ok, but if it's heavy-handed and takes up the whole show it's bad!. Like, were they just too cheap to pay the actors for that episode!? Or they couldn't think of anything else to do!?

There was one good one in the first Star Trek series where they used the footage from the original pilot episode "The Cage" with Capt!. Pike and made it part of the Capt!. Kirk two-part episode called the Menagerie!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I've never seen that before!.

Or it's just because I can never remember anything!. Lol!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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