Bring Buffy back?!

Question: Bring Buffy back!?
Buffy fans-yay or nay to New buffy episodes!. I miss it so much!!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I love Buffy and Angel and miss them both!. Angel made a big mistake not having Charisma Carpenter in the last season and changing the format!. Loved my Spike!. The cast has not all moved on David is on Bones Allison How I Met your Mother!.Nickolas Brandon has small part on Criminal Minds as computer geek James has done guest appearances!. They have to remember this show made ther name!. Maybe now that Sex in the city did so well,and friends has a movie in the works the actors will consider it!. I hope so!. Sarah has done nothing for a few years!. Let's keep our fingers crossed!. Never say never!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

If they would bring Buffy back that would definitely make my day!. When I was younger, Buffy was my biggest hero!. I seriously love that show, I have every season of it on DVD except for season 5 of course!. And if they would make a reunion movie that would be awesome!. People who say that they shouldn't bring Buffy back are insane!. It was a really popular show that alot of people loved to watch!. I know that there's probably no chance that they'll bring it back, but it's nice to think and even hope that they will!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's a very long shot!. Sorry, but all the original cast members have long since moved on to other things!. Even a reunion movie is pretty much out of the question, especially since both UPN and WB are out of business, and CW is losing LOTS of money as it stands!. Even Veronica Mars was rejected for renewal, and Kristin Bell was still under CW contract!.

My vote is to let the Undead rest in Un-peace!. No new episodes!Www@Enter-QA@Com

OMG I LOVE BUFFY I AM THE BIGGEST SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR FAN!!! I HAVE EVERY EPISODE!!! I really miss Buffy 2 but have you read the new season 8 comics there really good!. also I think that a high budget Buffy movie would be awesome, just look at the success of Sex and the City!

PS - This is my neighbours audition tape (AUS TV show having national casting call)!. Watch, comment and rate it please! Tell me if you think I'll get through to the next round!.

In an ideal world they would bring it back!. I wish they would do a movie but I don't think David Boreanaz would actually appear since he's aged and Angel is suppose to be ageless!. Oh well one can only wish!.

At least X files is back for one more movie ; )Www@Enter-QA@Com

Not after the absolute disaster of season 6 and 7!. They should have let it end with season 5 instead of completely destroying it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

it woul be good if they brought it back with the orginal cast or somthing but it's gud how they left not many series have that to bost about they ended it really wellWww@Enter-QA@Com

That would be tops, I grew up with buffy she kicked as$, would love that!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

no it shouldn't be brought back it is better for a series to finish on a high than to go on too long!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

no, dont bring buffy backWww@Enter-QA@Com

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