Newport Harbour and programs like that question.?!

Question: Newport Harbour and programs like that question!.!?
Do people like the people in these kind of programs actually exist!. It's unreal if this is how they go on, they shopuld be shot with s h i t from a crap cannonWww@Enter-QA@Com

Thankfully it was cancelled a while ago!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I refuse to watch a show about wealthy Orange County teenagers who are superficial and stuck-up!. I could care less about their "drama"!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

omg!! was newport harbour cancelled!!
i loves that show!
but i dont know!?
i think they let them get on with it but its a bit weird how they handle certain situations!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Gather you dont like the programme!? I wont bother watching then!.!.!.whatever it is!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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