Well i am disgusted with dale.his excuse was pathetic greedy as mo tonight?!

Question: Well i am disgusted with dale!.his excuse was pathetic greedy as mo tonight!?
Dale was all pally with darnell last week and as soon as darnells time as HOH finished he strats making these pathetic excuses for nominating him and such !.!. he being really 2 faced!.!.!. i also think that darnell wasnt supported by the rest of the group which made him look badWww@Enter-QA@Com

why should he have given it to hell!? darnell was in jail, and kat,mikey and rachel dont drink alcohol, so only lisa ,mo and sara would have enjoyed it, and darnell,mo kat, rachel and darnell enjoyed all the luxuries last week, fish and chips etc, thats what going to heaven is all about,the luxuries!. good on him,i say!Www@Enter-QA@Com

He's got really gobby since he became HOH, and his reasons for keeping the hamper was so lame!. How arrogant was that!? I find Dale decietful, spiteful, and a bully!. But ultimately he is actually a coward, as I'm sure he would never keep calling people he doesn't know d!cks and d!ckheads in public otherwise he would get the sh!t kicked out of him!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

just showing his true colours - he's very selfish and given what the hell housemates have endured this week - he still didnt have the heart to give them a treat - if that was Darnell he wouldnt have heard the end of it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

he has got to big for his boots and needs to be bought down a peg or two , it was a lame excuse , he just wanted to show off the power he hasWww@Enter-QA@Com

disgusted is a strong word!
he's a bad head of house wateva!
everyone in that house is bad or fake!. it's a terrible bb this year!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes!.!.!.!.But the power has gone to Dale's head more than it went to Darnell's!.
The guy has completely gone off the rails with being HOH!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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