Jon & Kate Plus 8: Aunt Jody axed for being offered money!!

Question: Jon & Kate Plus 8: Aunt Jody axed for being offered money!
Aunt Jody has been taking care of Jon & Kate's 8 kids forever & never asked for a dime! When Kate found out she was offered money to be on the show as part of the cast, Kate freaked out saying "NO WAY!!.!.!.No one makes money off of my family except us!" I refuse to watch this show any longer! I could never stand Kate, but now I am completely finished! This is sickening! Not only does Kate expect Jody to watch her kids but she had the audacity to say that the kids were getting tired of going there! After the whole gumball incident, if I was Jody, I'd never take those kids again!

Did you know!.!.!.!.

1!. Kate has around the clock help that the show pays for!?
2!. Kate has an organic chef that is never shown on the show!?
3!. The crew cleans her entire house everytime they arrive so that they can set up their equipment!? Kate doesn't lift a finger!
4!. Kate has people come and help her clean and do laundry free of charge!!!!!
5!. All of their trips and outings are pay for by the show!
6!. They have made millions off of the show! They can pay the poor people who have helped them out of the goodness of their hearts!

Kate's behavior is repulsive! She should want what's best for those who have stood by her and helped her out ~ not axing them from her show or whitholding pay to them! This is sick!

I refuse to watch this show any longer!.!.!.!.do you!?

The second link is to a website that is written by Jodi's sister!. I'd say that info comes from a more reliable source than the national enquirer!. But you know what they say!.!.!.where there's smoke, there's fire!.

But if it's true I just can't understand why you wouldn't want your family to benefit from your good fortune!. I think, if it is true about Kate wanting Jodi gone, it goes deeper than money!. Jodi seems to be a likeable person who is calm and caring and nurturing and loving!. Kate might be a good person who is caring and loving but calm and nurturing don't come across on the show!. There can't be two mommies on the show!. IMO that's why Jodi is gone!.

BTW, have you seem some of the rumors that Beth is no longer involved in the show!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

When you use National Inquirer for your information, you don't get all sides of the story!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

wtf!.!.!.john and kate is my favorite show!. i didn't know kate was like that!?! Jodi is so nice to her kids how can she axe her from the show!? that kinda mean!. i always admired her for being strong and courageous for taking care of 8 chn!. wow!. That's a shocker! I will watch because i love the kids and think they are cute but i never look at kate the same way!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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