Help! Does anyone know of an example of a commercial!

Question: Help! Does anyone know of an example of a commercial
where fear tactics were used to get someone to buy a product or change a behavior!? It doesn't have to be anything recent, something from back in the day would do!. I know there's something out there, my brain just can't think of it on it's own! Thanks for your help!

Many many political ads such as:

The infamous "Daisy" commercial, where a little girl stood in a field with daisies, then an atomic bomb goes off!. This was a Lyndon Johnson commercial against Barry Goldwater, in 1974!. The fear they were aiming for was that Goldwater would start a nuclear war!.


The obvious one is Chevy Onstar where people have all sorts of problems, such as horrible accidents, and Onstar saves the day!.

Example: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=DGh-ib5zU!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

There were a lot of fear-inspiring ads for quit-smoking products, and the "this is your brain on drugs" campaign!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

A lot of those home alarm systems commercials do that!.Www@Enter-QA@Com


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