Can anyone besides Brian hear Stewie on Family Guy?!

Question: Can anyone besides Brian hear Stewie on Family Guy!?
The reality is that Stewie's ability to communicate with others varies from episode to episode!. Lois apparently understands the tone when Stewie speaks, even if she doesn't understand all he says!.!. Stewie is ignored by adults while Death recuperates in the Griffith's living room -- but he is clearly able to communicate with others when he and Brian share the radio show "Dingo and the Baby!.'Www@Enter-QA@Com

This topic has no solid answer!. The most likely answer is that they hear him, but ignore him and act like it's babbling!.!.!. They only hear certain words!.

Here is a piece of writing regarding this topic!.

Communication with adults

MacFarlane has established a few general rules as to how Stewie communicates with others!.

Brian Griffin always understands
Brian is, as of now, the only main character whose ability to understand Stewie is unambiguous; the two always converse normally!. In "Running Mates", Brian briefly appears to hear Stewie's thoughts; this phenomenon has not been explored in subsequent episodes!.

In two episodes, another baby by the name of Olivia communicates similarly to Stewie, with the exception that she is taken seriously by adults!. also, Jillian (Brian's girlfriend of several episodes) appears to understand Stewie just as well!.

Adults understand, but disregard Stewie
At the end of the episode "E!. Peterbus Unum", the question of whether adults could understand Stewie is raised!. In the DVD audio commentary,[citation needed] MacFarlane explains adults can understand him, but don't take him seriously, "sort of like!.!.!. if a four-year-old who [could] talk told you to '**** off', you'd laugh, because it's cute!." In this manner, characters acknowledge Stewie, but pay no mind to his often-insulting addresses, such as calling Peter "the fat man" and referring to Lois by her given name!. His insults are occasionally heard, such as when Stewie tells Lois "Why don't you burn in hell!?!" Lois replies, "Well, no dessert for you, young man!." Stewie generally is insulting to both Meg and Chris, but does acknowledge them!. He also is one of the few characters who calls Meg 'Megan'!.

Hope this helps!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I believe they can all hear him!.!.!.but they ignore him!.!.!.because they can hear Brian!.!.!.!.so why not!? lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

Nope! Everyone else hears babbling!. But apparently, the dog speaks Baby!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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