Do you remember that cartoon from the '90's?!

Question: Do you remember that cartoon from the '90's!?
It only ran for one season on the WB, and a few shows on cartoon network from '96-'97!. It was called Road Rovers, and it was about these dogs that could walk, talk and fight crime!. I remember it, and I was just wondering, who was your favorite character from it!? Mine was Exile!

I also found this petition online, to get the show released to DVD!. Whether you remember it or not, could you please please PLEASE sign it!?!?


Here is a link to all of the episodes online !. !. !. !.


The one's from Taneshaness and Flint2007 are the best!. :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

omg that brings back memories, oh and I like the shaggy white dog lol!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sorry I don't remember it!. And I think you're nuts, but thats why I like you! *hugs*Www@Enter-QA@Com

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