Beverly hills 90210 ?!

Question: Beverly hills 90210 !?
can someone give me a little recap of the original season!? things i need to know to understand the new season!?

im just finishing up episode 2 of the new season and some things confuse me!. brenda & kelly's relationship!? this guy dylan and brandon (is he brenda's brother!?), what's their history with kelly!?

anyways, recaps are appreciated! thanksWww@Enter-QA@Com

Season 1: Brenda and Brandon (twins) move from Minnesota to Beverley Hills as their father got a new job!.
Brandon became friends with Dylan and he got the hots for Brenda pretty early on and they started dating!.
Kelly Taylor used to date Steve Sanders and had a bad reputation and Donna was a virgin!.
The girls became best friends and Donna started dating David Silver and David's dad Mel married Kelly's mum Jackie and they had a baby girl called Erin Silver (Kelly and David's step sister who is now called "Silver')!.
Brandon became friends with nerdy Andrea Zuckerman and later on she had a baby called Hannah with a guy called Jesse Vasquez!.
Of course the big story was in season 3!.
Brenda's parents tried to stop her dating Dylan as they thought he was a bad influence and she left home and moved in with him!.
Eventually she agreed to go home and then she joined Donna in Paris for Summer school and Kelly stayed home to help babysit her new sister!.
While Brenda was away Kelly and Dylan hooked up and tried to hide it!.
Dylan maintained that he always had a crush on Kelly as far back as kindergarten but she told him it ends when Brenda gets home as she doesn't want to hurt her!.
Of course they both confess their affair and Brenda hates them both and decide to apply for college back in Minnesota!.
A lot of stuff happens including Donna gets drunk at prom and almost doesn't graduate and then the gang come to her aide and they all graduate together!.
When Dylan and Kelly get back from Europe their love affair seems to be over and Kelly then hooks up with Brandon and almsot gets married but jilts him at the alter and she even had a pregnancy scare/miscarriage!.
Brenda doesn't last to long in Minnesota and ends up back in Beverley Hills and then jets off to London and leaves the series!.
Kelly and Donna move to a beach house and David I think too!.
Everyone seems to get new boyfriends or girlfriends several times over but Kelly and Dylan spend a lot of time pining over each other!.
Of course in final season Donna and David get married and Dylan and Kelly appear to get back together and I totally forget what Brandon does!.!.something in Washington I think!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

The original season is like this:
Brenda and Brandon are twins from Minnesota!. Their parents are Jim and Cindy!. They moved because their father was transferred, he's an accountant!. Brenda and Kelly are best friends, along with their friend Donna!. Dylan dates both Brenda and Kelly throughout the show, among other girls!. Brandon, Brenda's brother, also dates Kelly, but that's later on in other seasons!.
Any other questions, just let me know! :) Www@Enter-QA@Com

brenda is kelly's ex bf
branda was dating dylan and it was very serious he cheated on her with kelly

then kelly almost married brandon and that's brenda's twin brotherWww@Enter-QA@Com

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