Anyone watch The Family,whats been the funniest bit so far?!

Question: Anyone watch The Family,whats been the funniest bit so far!?
I do, I think it's very entertaining- although Im not quite sure Im convinced its 100% genuine!. I could be wrong, it just seems very far fetches sometimes!.

Funniest bit- mm, there have been many!.
But I found the boy in the phone- whilst the dad annoyingly played an instrument- and wouldnt stop when the boy told him he was on the phone- quite hillarious!.
He seems like a very annoying man!.
But he's funny, and I dont have to live with him! lmao!

When the dad pushed the cat off the table :)

or when the boy and elder sister were fighting and she threw him against the wall, or radiator i cant remember!?


the way the dad always goes on and on and asks ten thousand questions when they are sat at the table and the reactions from his kids!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I watched it and I thought it was made up!! I can't believe that people act like that! Especially the middle daughter! I would never be so disrespectful towards my family or anyone else for that matter!


When the boy was in the kitchen pretending to carve words into his dad's head!. That's really not normal behaviour (is it!?!!?!!?!!?!)

I watched a bit!. The boy breakin stuff was the funniest!Www@Enter-QA@Com

the arguement when dad stripped the daughters bed Www@Enter-QA@Com

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