If niki sanders died in the explosion, wouldn't she have been blown to bits !

Question: If niki sanders died in the explosion, wouldn't she have been blown to bits and not havea body in her coffin!?
i think there was another reason why she diedWww@Enter-QA@Com

for real!! i thought the same thing!.!. but then i just never know what to believe on that show!
i wanted to think it was just a mistake!.!. but they always explain everything!.!. so i guess we'll just have to wait and see if something else comes up!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Season 3 needs better writers in any case!. I mean, c'mon!.!.!. you have to admit that the 2 part season premier was SO ridiculous and the rest of the episodes so far are VERY poorly written!.

How many time traveling/ time stopping/ time controlling supers are on this freakin' show!?

Things were bad enough when Hiro was leaping forwards and backwards in time screwing shite up!.

But now you have present day Peter P!. and future Peter P!. making an even bigger mess of the time stream!.

I'm just waiting for someone to grab a hold of all them and smack them around just on general principle!. It's starting to look just as effed up as the Back to the Future sequels!.

And why are all these supers related!?

Crap was bad enough when Claire was made to be Nate's illegit kid!.

But now they have Sylar as the "other" Petrelli brother!? WTF!?

And what the heck was the whole point of Sylar going through all that trouble of going after Claire, and all that build up of "Save the cheerleader, save the world" if they're just gonna have Sylar steal her powers and NOT kill her!? WTF!?

That was SUCH a cop out!. It's really bad writing and a deliberate cheating of the viewers!.

That was the single most stupidest plot development of season 3!. And it's STILL early!.

That and the part where Hiro opens his dad's safe holding some "dangerous secret" that he was told NOT to open!. And the second he does open the safe *surprise *surprise someone comes around and steals it!. How effin' convenient!.

The writers of this show REALLY need to get smacked around!. They just take the most cliched things and toss it into the mix!.

also, why are all the possible future versions dark, depressing places!?

First it was the nuke attack on NYC!. Then it was the Shanti virus that decimates most of the people on the globe!. Now it's future Peter P!. screwing up the time line with all his alterations by trying to fix stuff!.

This show needs better writers!.

I know the fans really like Sylar which the ONLY reason why the writers didn't kill him off in season 1 like they originally had intended, but c'mon!.!.!. Turning him into a good guy and a dad!?

Rule of thumb for any aspiring writer - YOU NEVER EVER GIVE THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT, OR DO WHAT THEY WANT!.

That will kill a show faster than you can say "Save the cheerleader, save the world!."

Dr!. Suresh has super powers now as he does his Jeff Goldblum impression from the movie the fly!. Watch the movie if you don't know what I'm talking about!.

Nate is having a religious conversion experience from being shot!? Okay!.!.!. whatever!.

Linderman is back as some ghostly apparition that only Nate is able to see and interact with!. That was kinda cool!. I liked that part!. Until they revealed that it's all a fake by another super with mind powers!.

There's ANOTHER Nikki character out there!? Don't tell me!.!.!. she's another sister that hasn't been revealed yet, or she's really Nikki who has had her memory wiped and has been brainwashed, or a clone!.

And I thought season 2 was a jumbled mess!. Season 3 is already pissing me off to no end!.

On a lighter side, we get to see some new supers!. The female speedster, Daphne, was okay and I like Knox!.

The vortex creating guy was a tragic character!. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about!.

They need more characters like this on the series to show not everything is so cut and dried!. And Claire's character would be developed further if the writers allowed more stuff like this to happen to show her that things are not so black and white!.

And finally Ando stopped listening to that retard Hiro and started doing stuff on his own!. And What the heck was that whole nonsense where Hiro stabs his best friend!? That was just stupid!. And I don't care if he's using his powers to trick the villains!. That was still a stupid thing to do!. I lost what little respect I had for Hiro after that!.

And people can thumbs down me all they want!. But c'mon!.!.!. on some level you HAVE to know that the show is VERY badly written!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

She didn't necessarily die in the explosion!. She was trapped in the building and could have asphyxiated!. Smoke inhalation kills a large number of people trapped in burning buildings!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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