Hollyoaks.......help please!!?!

Question: Hollyoaks!.!.!.!.!.!.!.help please!!!?
i havn't watched it for a while, and yesterday my friend said it was ending forever and they were taking it off our screens from xmas!! why!? is it true!? and do u know who nile kills!? thanks xxWww@Enter-QA@Com

You're Friend is lying! ;(

Hollyoaks isn't finishing ,!.!.!.the show has gone from strengh to strengh,!.!.it's done better in the last three/four years than it's done in the 13 year history of the show! Why would they scrap it now!?,!.!.!.that would be stupid! ;(

I have watched the show from the first episode 13 years ago when i was 15! I'm 28 now,!.!.!.and i still love to watch it Lol ;)!

I think allot of people in the Industry would love it to end,,!.!.most of those who think that are the "HATERS" who criticise the show but have never watched it!

Bryan Kirkwood(Producer) is leaving the show after three years,but will still be around to help them out!.
They'll have a new Top Boss,!.!.who's already working on the show anyway!.I think her name is Carolyn,!.!.!.something like that,!.!.Lol! ;)

Hollyoaks celebrates it's 13th year on air At the end of October,!.!.or it could be November so i'm sure they'll be having a party at the studios!. ;)

Hopefully the Oak's will be around for many years to come,!.!.it's very underrated,!.!.but very good! ;)Www@Enter-QA@Com

1!. Your friend is lying, it is not ending

Tina dies!. Niall is crushed by a statue but we'll wait and see if he's ok!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, it's not ending!.

Tina dies!. Niall survives!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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