It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia...Charlie quote?!

Question: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!.!.!.Charlie quote!?
I am trying to find out what episode of Sunny where Charlie is quoted as saying "Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland where jobs grow on little jobbies!."

I -think- it's the episode where the gang wants to sell the bar--the one where Dee and Charlie end up working with 'the Waitress' at Applebees!? Charlie finds out that he know longer has any shares of the bar because he traded them off to Dennis and Mac for incredibly stupid reasons!.

***The Gang Sells OutWww@Enter-QA@Com

The episode is titled "The Gang Sells Out"!. Season 3, Episode 7!.

You can watch it on Hulu!.com:

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