Why do people get mad at fictional shows?!

Question: Why do people get mad at fictional shows!?
I have read reviews on fictional shows and each episodes!. Some people get mad and say "There's no such thing as an addiction center" or "that's impossible in real life!"

I mean come on it's fiction!! The writers can make up anything they want!. According to the show it's real but that doesn't mean it has to be real in real life!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Because if the show is based on fact, it's insulting to the viewer to start making stuff up!. I mean, would you be happy if your gritty police lieutenant known for his sharp wit in the interrogation room just started beating people up with gigantic fists and then got away with it!? No, that's just stupid!.

If you want something to help you escape, go with Heroes (not intented to be real) or some kind of sci-fi or cartoon!. But if you're watching something like ER or Law & Order, you want something intelligent!. You don't want a medical drama where people are cured by rain dances!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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