Where do these TV shows take place?!

Question: Where do these TV shows take place!?
Cold Case
How I Met Your Mother
Family GuyWww@Enter-QA@Com

Family Guy takes place in Quahog, Rhode Island!.

House is set at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, and the exterior shot is of Princeton's University's Frist Center - so I would say New Jersey, although they may not mention it directly on the show!.

According to Wikipedia, Cold Case is set in Philadelphia!.
I would guess that "How I Met Your Mother" is set in New York - the bar "MacLaren's" in which some of the show is set is based on a bar in New York called McGees!.

The main reason that shows don't constantly refer to what state they're set in is - as long as they don't say, the viewers could all feel like the story is happening in "their" state!. The shows are trying to appeal to the whole country, and not limit their audience!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

House takes place in Mercer County, New Jersey!.

Cold Case takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!.

How I Met Your Mother takes place in Manhattan, New York City, New York!.

Family Guy takes place in Quahog, Rhode Island (which I believe is a fictional city)!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i know family guy is in a fictional town called quahog in rhode island!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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